That’s the theme every new year, but what’s the veracity on that? Do we put too much pressure on ourselves at the beginning of every new year? I know I have.
Indeed every new year it feels like a refresh and the perfect time to start over or to improve. But, sometimes we create a magnitude of expectations and set ourselves up for failure. Those well known “new year resolutions” that we’ve been hearing since as long as we can remember sometimes take a toll on us. I’m not here to be a Debbie Downer or to discourage you. Not at all. My intention is for us to move away from forming this “ideal picture” we tend to create every new year.
Unfortunately, we won’t magically change when the clock hits midnight. Well, I should speak for myself. I did not transform into a different person, but I can say I do try to be a better version of myself…
I think that’s how we should approach the new year. Not necessarily writing all the huge goals we want to accomplish, but to focus on all the small action steps that make us happy and ultimately allow us to be a better person. This is my 2019 motto. What can I do today that fills my heart and allows me to be a better person? I think it’s a great one.
So get all pumped up because I TRULY believe 2019 is going to be a GREAT year. I know it’s super cliche, but I really believe it. Maybe I am a bit biased because in two months I’m getting married. So, we can say it’s going to be a big one!
Don’t set yourself up for failure. Small actions steps are the way to go in 2019. What makes your heart full? Follow that. Because, at the end, happiness is the greatest goal anyone could ever achieve — at least in my book.
Cheers to a wonderful 2019 and cheers to you!